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Saudi Services is a new established company but with great knowledge of visa applications. We are the only company that works exclusively for the Saudi Arabian embassy, ​​ all inquiries dealing with visa and legalization process to the Gulf have to go through Saudi Service.

We are a strong team who have worked with visa before. Our main task is to review visa applications and contact the applicant if there are any errors or omissions in the application. Then we deliver them to the embassy, pick up again and send home the applicant (via Post Denmark or DHL). The passport and visa may also be picked up from our office during opening hours (see under contact).

However, it is not SS, which has the decision if the visa application will be accepted or rejected. Based on experience, it is the rarest cases where it is rejected out of hand.


Lyngbyvej 20, 3 floor
2100 Copenhagen Ø



Tlf.: 70 777 654

Opening hours

Mon-fri: 09:00-14:00

(Carry and delivery)
Mon-fri: 08:00-17:00