Apply Download application here
You can apply in several different ways, and depending on what the visit is about in Saudi Arabia.
All information must be sent by email, mail or in person. Otherwise, ask us at
For legalization can send the document to us and we do it all. You do not need to send the check to the document
any more. If the document has not been stamped, then we take it up with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
To apply for a visa, you must have supplied the following:
- Passport
- Passport photo (1 pc.)
- Invitation
- Guarantee letter from the Danish company
- Passport
- Passport photo (1 pc.)
- Invitation
- Job contract
- Original diploma
- Medical card
- Criminal record from police
in Saudi Arabia, these must be sent:
- Invitation from family member in KSA
- A copy of the invitation issuer IKAMA (residence permit in KSA)
It also requires a proof of how one is related to the concerned in KSA,
If John Doe is working in KSA and want his brother comes to visit him down there, there must sent both their birth certificates as proof that they are family related.
- Passport
- Passport photo (1 pc.)
- Invitation (from the government)
- Guarantee letter from own Danish workplace
- Pas (gyldig min 6 mdr)
- Flybillet
- Hotels Booking